11 Ways to Lose Menopause Belly Fat

I saw this article and really wanted to share it with you guys. It’s written but Hollie Brotherton… and currently ringing very true as to how this life stage creats havock – especially with my shape! I’ve always loved my curves but know my jeans are currently not buttoning up… so really need to take stock, so I have been investigating the best ways to train, that keep my hormones in check, keeps cortisol levels low and create a workout that will help me in my quest to reclaim my waistline. 

These excercises really do hit the spot and I’ve tweaked and changed what we do in our LBT Class to help you guys on your own Meno/Peri journeys. Get booked in now for tonights 8pm LBT Class

11 Ways to Lose Menopause Belly Fat